Outdoor area are still open, where you can take a walk, enjoy fresh air and peace.
When visiting the garden, please note:
- we are open to visitors every day from 10 AM to 4 PM;
- there is a 25% discount on entrance tickets and season tickets;
- services (tours, events, photosessions etc.) are not currently available;
- the outdoor area is large and easy to keep a distance from - please keep a distance of at least 2 m from other households;
- visitors are invited to assess their health and not to visit public places, including the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia, if there are symptoms of a respiratory infectious disease, as well as if there is an obligation to observe self-isolation;
- disinfect and / or wash your hands regularly! Disinfectants are available at the checkout;
- we call on everyone to be held accountable for their actions and to adhere strictly to national restrictions. Please also follow the recommendations located in the garden area.
Thank you for your support!