The collection of azaleas in the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia became the largest in Latvia already in the 1970s and it has remained this honor to this day. In the 70's, 45 different varieties grew in the collection. Today, the collection already has about 130 cultivars. It is one of the largest collections in Europe. The collection includes varieties from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Ukraine, etc. All varieties selected in Latvia can also be seen here.
Azaleas are divided into early, medium-late and late varieties after flowering. All these varieties are represented in the botanical garden collection. Among other flowers, azaleas stand out with a long flowering time - under suitable conditions, one shrub can bloom for weeks. Azalea flowers are most often pink, but are also white and red, very rarely purple. The flowers can be of different sizes, variegated or monochromatic, with spots or dots. For most varieties, the flowers are odorless, but the collection of the UL Botanical Garden also contains fragrant varieties of azaleas.
In April we are open every day from 10.00 - 19.00.